Safety Spot Check / Suggestions Safety Spot Check Submit a suggestion, a photo or description of a Kudos, Faux Pas, or just a good picture related to safety. Name (optional) First Last Date (optional)When did this happen? MM slash DD slash YYYY Type* Kudos - Witnessed an employee go above and beyond to improve safety Good Catch - corrected a hazard to prevent a near miss or incident Near Miss - An event occurred with no injuries or damage, but had potential for injury or loss. Stop Work Authority - Major Hazard identified, stopped work to correct hazard. Random safety tidbit or photo Suggestion or comment Post ImageAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.Post ImageAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.Description*What happened? Describe the situation, hazards, and corrections, etc.Email (optional)Send to someone else, besides safety.